Harold Washington College Digital Multimedia Design Program

Multimedia Web Design Sequence: DMD130, DMD131, DMD231, DMD233

***The Entire Multimedia Sequence is required for DMD AAS, DMD AC and DMD BC

DMD130 Principles of Design and Development for Digital Media

Introduction to fundamental design and development principles within the context of digital media production. The course covers principles of design, color theory, typography, information architecture, and layout as it applies to digital media. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Eligibility for ENGLISH 101, CIS 120 or consent of Department Chairperson. 2 Laboratory hours. 2 Lecture hours. 3 Credit Hours.

DMD131 Beginning Multimedia Design and Development

This course is an introduction to multimedia authoring using industry standards web authoring software applications. Students will use industry standards vectors and WSYWIG development software to design and develop web and desktop applications. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Eligibility for ENGLISH 101, DMD 130, and DMD 168, or consent of Department Chairperson. 6 Laboratory Hours. 3 Credit Hours.

DMD231 Intermediate Multimedia Design and Development

This course builds upon the technical and design skills learned in DMD 130 and 131. Focus in on design skills, intermediate programming skills, basic concepts of object oriented scripting, open source libraries, and designing for mobile devices. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Grade of C or better in DMD 131 or consent of Department Chairperson. 6 Laboratory hours. 3 Credit Hours.

DMD233 Advanced Multimedia Design and Development

This course builds upon the technical and design skills learned in DMD 231. Focus is placed on advanced scripting and programming skills along with team-based projects. Students will develop an understanding of team roles, time management, and legal and technical considerations for completing a project. Students work in teams to design and complete a client-based web site. This will provide an opportunity to plan, design, develop, and implement solutions for web/multimedia projects requiring students to analyze, integrate, and synthesize knowledge acquired from previous course work. Writing assignments, appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Grade of C or better in DMD 231, or consent of Department Chairperson. 2 Laboratory hours. 2 Lecture hours. 3 Credit Hours.